nce upon a time, a young man named Dean Cornwell of Oberlin, Ohio met a young lady named Barbara Nolt of Wooster, Ohio. As fate would have it, they fell in love and they got married in the Spring of 1969. Soon after they started a family. Nine years later they were the proud parents of four healthy children. | |
Now they reside in Florida, while their children have moved on to such places as Baltimore, Atlanta, and San Francisco. Dee Dee is a schoolteacher with a family of her own, Jeff is a computer/internet guru, Brian is a post-doc at NIH, and Matthew is an engineer turned full-time actor. Below you will find links to some of the immediate family members, as well as extended family that have interesting sites. Matthew Cornwell Jeff Cornwell Brian Cornwell Dee Dee Houmard Barb & Dean Cornwell Extended Family: Gene Cornwell Dan Cornwell |